Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Pedagogical DNA

I have been doing quite a bit recently in the school to bring in more technology into students' learning. I am still convinced that if students get hooked on computers all the time, we should make best use of computers  to make students become passionate learners.

However, during the process, I realise the biggest enabling factor would be a team of staff which share the same vision and have that particular new 'pedagogical' DNA- allow me to borrow this term from a video. Yes, teachers all need a new DNA, as fundamental as that. And we have to reproduce this DNA so that the message can be spread to a larger audience.

Just want to share with you this video. Rather inspiring! When we complain about the students being not motivated, not interested in learning, whose responsibility is it?

Technology and Terrified teachers

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Wedding & Information Technology

I attended the wedding ceremony of my ex student on Sat. A very touching ceremony. I couldnt believe that the handsome groom before me was the student with me in the Geogaphy room 10 years ago, having UE lessons.

I remember clearly how the students sat in groups and had activities with me in the afternoon. 10 years ago, technology wasn't that advanced as it is today. There is no blogging, no wikis etc. But we managed to have powerpoint for teaching and learning. I still could recall the sound and animation I added to the powerpoint to motivate them and keep them awake in the hot afternoon. After my presentation, the students would go to the desktops at the back of the room and did their exercises. Their computers were not linked to the internet and so we used a network system to retrieve their work and showed them before the class.

That was ten years ago. Now we have web2.0 and wireless network all around. We can see people browsing the web in the cafe, or even in the sports ground. We have people emailing and sending each other msgs on the MTR. But in the classrooms, do we have lots of changes?
I reckon teachers are more used to using powerpoint but talking about interaction and self-directed learning, how much technology has been applied?

I cant help once again quoting my experience in Singapore. Students in the floor were sitting on the floor making conversations to each other, holding the laptops with them and searching for information. On their eplatform, I could see the student- blogs with reflections and comments here and there.

Oh, when can this scenario be a common one in Hong Kong schools? Why after promoting more than 10 years of IT in education, situations in Hong Kong are still similar, if not the same? How come the computers that students have at home are more advanced than those in the schools? How can we talk about motivation and sustained learning? When we talk about mobile learning, the machines in the school are in no way mobile!

Should something be done in Hong Kong?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Just read this from the web and would like to share with everyone. Very meaningful.
Count your blessing and treasure what you have at the moment. Be expressive! Dont wait till the last minute and regret!

旅程接近終結,也是與親友話別之時。人生旅程終結,不代表一切曲終人散, 我們還可為身邊人留下生活智慧及祝福,好讓他們細味與你的生活點滴…不需要等待臨終的一刻,我們每一天都可向身邊人表達自己的心聲,與親人作情感交流及冰釋前嫌,珍惜彼此共處的時刻。即使死亡來臨,也可以無悔無憾。 常言道:珍惜眼前人。


「請原諒我」、「我已寬恕你」、「多謝」、「我愛你」、「再見」- 五句簡單的說話1,帶著無窮的力量。五句說話 – 寬恕、欣賞、關愛 – 讓我們與人建立更深的關係。在日常生活中向至親表達至情至性的說話,可釋放人與人之間可見或可不見的舊怨新仇,拉近人與人之間的距離,讓人可以輕鬆及喜樂地生活。

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Eightfold Path of Righteousness

A friend sent me this

Eightfold Path of Righteousness -or- Noble Eightfold Path 八正道(八條崇高的道路).
Ethical discipline includes
(1) perfect speech 正語which is true, kind and appropriate speech,
(2) perfect action 正業 which are actions which do not harm others,
(3) perfect livelihood 正命 which is obtaining our sustenance by non-harmful and honest means. Meditative Stabilization includes
(4) perfect effort 正精進 which is effort to counteract the disturbing attitudes and negative emotions by mediating on the path,
(5) perfect mindfulness 正念 which is counteracting laxity and excitement in our meditation and
(6) perfect concentration 正定 where the mind can remain fixed one-pointedly on virtuous objects. Wisdom includes
(7) perfect understanding 正見 that allows us to realize emptiness, and
(8) perfect thought 正思which is the mind that can explain the path clearly to others and is motivated by the wish for them to be free from suffering.

People nowadays are all looking for happiness in life. Would the above give you some insights?

Be Happy

No worries! Be happy!

'Being happy' is the key to success. When you're happy, you have the motivation to learn.When you're happy, you have the energy to work.When you're happy, you can face any challenges with ease!

Let me give you some tips on how you can be a happy individual:

When you view your glass, say to yourself that it is half-filled, and not half-empty!
Count your blessing every day and be thankful!
Think of what people (e.g. your teachers, your classmates, your family, your friends) have done for you every day and say ‘thank you!’
Think of something you have done during the day (e.g. having finished a piece of writing, having done a Maths exercise correctly or even having answered a question in class) and give yourself a thumb up.
Tell your friend or your parents that they look smart or pretty and watch their smiles!

Being happy can be as simple as that. Having worked in education for more than 20 years, I realize that the most important thing in school is a happy culture! My dad has cultivated in me a positive attitude towards everything in life. That works really well. And all through my years working in different schools, I have been trying to tell my students that learning is in no way difficult. If we have the passion for study, the way to study would be simple and smooth. I studied English Language and Literature in the university and I love it till now! It was that passion that kept me studying all the time even after school. It was the passion for the subject that urged me to teach with commitment. It is the passion for study that sustains my life- long learning! Just to share with you, even at my age now, I have piles of books beside my bed and I can’t afford not to read before I go to sleep.

So my passion now is to create a happy environment in the school where our students can be nurtured in a happy atmosphere on their way to becoming successful 21st century world citizens! Do come and join me so that my passion can be a common vision for you all!

My singapore trip

If you are interested to see what I have done and what I have seen during my singapore trip, click this:

This was a really enriching experience and I can't wait to adopt some of the strategies in my own school!